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No Pepper Games - A Fantasy Baseball Blog

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

NoPepperGames: Tomorrow (4/20/06) is National High Five Day!

Keep it alive, folks.

Personally, I think National High Five Day is a fantastic idea. The thought of walking down the street and high-fiving a random stranger brings a tear to my eye. Just think of going to the ballgame, and the strangers you high-five there after a huge play/homerun/etc. It's a moment of shared exhilaration, of community. In the words of the founders:

"There is no reason why this should not happen with alarming frequency."

So tomorrow on April 20, think of your sense of community. Your sense of randomness. Your sense of passing on a tradition started within the game we love. That's right, the high five was reportedly started by one of our own, former LA Dodger and Oakland A's outfielder, Glenn Burke. Glenn may not have had the statistical legacy many would want to leave the game with, but his indelible mark of the high five will forever be a constant reminder.

Up high, Glenn. Up high.


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